.. _rffi: Foreign Function Interface for RPython ====================================== Purpose ------- This document describes an FFI for the RPython language, concentrating on low-level backends like C. It describes how to declare and call low-level (C) functions from RPython level. Declaring low-level external function ------------------------------------- Declaring external C function in RPython is easy, but one needs to remember that low level functions eat :ref:`low level types ` (like lltype.Signed or lltype.Array) and memory management must be done by hand. To declare a function, we write:: from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi external_function = rffi.llexternal(name, args, result) where: * name - a C-level name of a function (how it would be rendered) * args - low level types of args * result - low level type of a result You can pass in additional information about C-level includes, libraries and sources by passing in the optional ``compilation_info`` parameter:: from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo info = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=[], libraries=[]) external_function = rffi.llexternal( name, args, result, compilation_info=info ) See :source:`cbuild ` for more info on ExternalCompilationInfo. Types ----- In :source:`rffi ` there are various declared types for C-structures, like CCHARP (char*), SIZE_T (size_t) and others. Refer to file for details. Instances of non-primitive types must be alloced by hand, with call to lltype.malloc, and freed by lltype.free both with keyword argument flavor='raw'. There are several helpers like string -> char* converter, refer to the source for details. Registering function as external -------------------------------- Once we provided low-level implementation of an external function, would be nice to wrap call to some library function (like os.open) with such a call. For this, there is a `register_external` routine, located in :source:`extfunc.py `, which provides nice API for declaring such a functions, passing llimpl as an argument and eventually llfakeimpl as a fake low-level implementation for tests performed by an llinterp.